Photo by Diana Hlywiak
I am pleased to announced Uno Lady has partnered with Earthquaker Devices and is a featured artist. Their pedals have become a key component in my performances. They are also locally made in Akron, Ohio, by great people, and have a lifetime warranty.
Visit the Uno Lady featured artist page at earthquakerdevices.com/uno-lady
Watch the Uno Lady’s Earthquaker Devices Session
“Cleveland’s Christa Ebert is a one-woman choir. As Uno Lady, she’s dazzled, confounded, and delighted audiences since 2007 with loop-based compositions for voice, found sounds, and effects pedals. Her avant-garde pop tunes combine doo-wop harmonies and ethereal soundscapes with layered and processed vocals, which range from a smoky tenor to operatic outbursts of melody…” (full article here)- Earthquaker Devices