Uno Lady Receives the Creative Residency at Bloedel Reserve
I am honored and ecstatic to announce I have been awarded the Creative Residency at Bloedel Reserve. Next fall I will be spending a month on Bainbridge Island, Washington, recording nature footage, gathering electronic signals from trees, and creating new compositions.
“Bloedel Reserve is a 140-acre wonder of nature, created by the imagination, vision, and a passionate love of the natural world shared by our founders, Prentice and Virginia Bloedel. Working with the rugged geography of the land, they artfully transformed a rough-hewn Northwest forest into a harmonious series of curated gardens, structural features, and distinctive landscapes, with nature as canvas and paint.
The Creative Residency program provides artists and innovative thinkers with a home on the Bloedel Reserve grounds, designed by noted Northwest architect Jim Cutler, tucked into the woods, away from the trail used by regular Bloedel Reserve visitors. Residents have unlimited access to the Reserve’s 140 acres of sculpted gardens, forests, meadows, and wildlife habitats.”

I am overwhelmed with joy and gratitude for this opportunity. I plan to visit nearby old growth forests before my trip and record electronic signals from trees and write songs with the woods. Thanks for all your support. If you want to donate to my trip (no pressure) paypal Unoladymusic@gmail.com and venmo at @theunolady