Free download of White Hurricane

To commemorate this snowy occasion here’s a free download of “White Hurricane” off the first tape release, “I really like genetics but I’d rather have a good time.” You can download this song and others off that album at the bandcamp and soundcloud.

I wrote this song while walking my dog, Flip, after a blizzard. The sloshing sounds are field recordings of that walk, my feet, his dog paws, crunching through the ice crust that covered the ground. The beat birthed the song. Enjoy!


Ten Years Ago Today

Ten years ago today was the first Uno Lady show.

It was Coffinberry, Sun God, and Uno Lady at Pat’s in the Flats for the annual Thanksgiving Day bash. I was lucky enough to play with my two favorite Cleveland bands at the time. These photos are by the talented Lou Muenz.

Look at these Coffinbabies!


Here is “Orange Floats,” and “I only got 2 Days,” songs I would have performed that night. You can download them for free.

Uno Lady is an Earthquaker Devices Artist

Photo by Diana Hlywiak

I am pleased to announced Uno Lady has partnered with Earthquaker Devices and is a featured artist. Their pedals have become a key component in my performances. They are also locally made in Akron, Ohio, by great people, and have a lifetime warranty.

Visit the Uno Lady featured artist page at


Watch the Uno Lady’s Earthquaker Devices Session

“Cleveland’s Christa Ebert is a one-woman choir. As Uno Lady, she’s dazzled, confounded, and delighted audiences since 2007 with loop-based compositions for voice, found sounds, and effects pedals. Her avant-garde pop tunes combine doo-wop harmonies and ethereal soundscapes with layered and processed vocals, which range from a smoky tenor to operatic outbursts of melody…” (full article here)- Earthquaker Devices



Check out Uno Lady’s EarthQuaker Session: “Underground”

I visited EarthQuaker Devices in Akron, Ohio to record this new song I wrote, “Underground.”

Video by Chris Tran, Brad Throla and Jess France. Audio recorded by Jeff France at EarthQuaker Audio Recording Laboratory.

EarthQuaker Devices built me a pedal board and now my sound library feels limitless. I’m sonically inspired – like a  jolt to my creative process. I’m playing around with Avalanche Run, Disaster Transport Sr., Levitation, Arpaniod, Bows, Afterneath, Transmisser, The Depths, Night Wire, and the Organizer. Check out each device here. EarthQuaker Devices pedals are handmade by fellow musicians and music lovers in Akron, Ohio and have a lifetime warranty.

Check out “EarthQuaker Session: Uno Lady – “Underground”

AKRON, OH – “Cleveland’s Christa Ebert is a one-woman choir. As Uno Lady, she’s dazzled, confounded, and delighted audiences since 2007 with loop-based compositions for voice, found sounds, and effects pedals. Her avant-garde pop tunes combine doo-wop harmonies and ethereal soundscapes with layered and processed vocals, which range from a smoky tenor to operatic outbursts of melody.

In this performance of “Underground” she uses the Bows’ treble mode with the Afterneath and Disaster Transport SR to craft an ambient, slightly overdriven wordless backing vocal that sits tight in the mix before adding the melody. From her DIY suitcase podium, she builds layer upon intertwining layer of call-and-response vocal patterns that lift off into a dreamlike fugue state before engaging the Avalanche Run at the song’s end, using the reverse function to bring it all tumbling down, down to the “underground” of the song’s namesake.” Arron Rogers, EQD


Recording at Earthquaker Devices

Yesterday I was fortunate to record a new song at Earthquaker Devices with the rad pedals they let me try out. The pedals are magical and the staff is super talented and incredibly nice. Songs are pouring out of me now that I have these awesome new babies. I’ll share the song and video when its up!