Improv audio synced to the scenery of California’s redwood forests.
Performance recorded March 6, 2017. Filmed with a GOPRO in El Corte de Madera Creek Open Space Preserve in Redwood City, CA and around the giant sequoias of Calaveras Big Trees State Park in Arnold, CA.
Music was created with vocal through Earthquaker Devices effect pedals and Boss RC 30 loop pedal.
Uno Lady is Christa Ebert, a one-woman ghost choir from Cleveland, Ohio. Uno Lady composes songs using only her voice, effect pedals, and a DIY podium desk. Sanguineous means optimistic, and was written, recorded, and filmed by Christa Ebert.
This song was written during She Shreds Magazine‘s #1riffaday challenge that took place in December. Artists were asked to create everyday and share what they wrote on Instagram. You can see/listen to all the entries on Uno Lady’s Instagram @TheUnoLady