Love these dudes! I’m lucky enough to share a stage with some of my favorite musicians.
Tony Cross, drums
Nick Cross, guitar
Matt Charboneau, Bass.
Check out the rest of the videos and don’t for get to subscribe.
Video recorded by Lauren Voss, Audio recorded by Brian Straw at Survival Kit,
I want to sample your critters. Does your cat chirp, your dog howl, or your bunny growl? I’d like to use those sounds for a future recording.
Cool sounding pets will be featured on an upcoming Uno lady record. The record’s theme is Cleveland-centric, so I am looking for Northeast Ohio area animals only. If the animal noises are included, your pet will get credit for their artistic addition on the release and you will receive a free download of the song your pet is featured on.
Interested pet parents should send a recording (Mp3 or WAV file) to
Please include your 1) your name 2) contact info 3) pets name how you’d like it listed on the release 4) what kind of animal your pet is.
By sending in the recording you are giving me the rights to use, edit, and adapt your pet’s sound.
Tips: Be conscious of the atmospheric noises when recording. It should sound like your pet, not your pet with laughter or music playing in the background.
Disclaimer: Not all pet sounds will be used. No pets will get paid.
Awesome show last night with Shitbox Jimmy and Fred and Toody Cole of Dead Moon. Thanks to all who came out.
Since fall is in full force, I thought I’d share an old tune, “Orange Floats,” which is inspired by spiraling leaves and spooky clouds. Its a free download. Where it says Buy Now, you just write a 0 in the box (or you can write $1000000 :D)
Thanks to John Kalman for inviting me to play his record release show. Audio recorded by Brian Straw at the Survival Kit, video by Lauren Voss.