Dark Songs

Dark Songs is hosted at the Holiday Music Motel and Third Avenue Playhouse (TAP) in Sturgeon Bay, WI on October 30-31, 2015. Sources: Color photo by Ty Helbach,, October 31, 2015; Black and white photos taken by Jen Brilowski, October 30, 2015.

New Songwriters Keeping ‘Dark Songs’ Fresh 

STURGEON BAY, WI – “40 musicians from across the country are getting together for the seventh annual songwriting project hosted by rockers pat mAcdonald and melaniejane at the Holiday Music Motel in Sturgeon Bay….  They’ll join much of mAcdonald’s ‘basic core of regulars,’ including acoustic musicians Mike Bleck and Elliot Goettelman, funk queen Kim Manning, alt-rocker Geri X, psychedelic bluesman Charles Boheme, one-woman choir Uno Lady, young indie musician Tarl Knight and others from a wide variety of musical genres.”
–  Christopher Clough, Green Bay Press Gazette, October 29, 2015, full article

Thanks for coming! Here is a free download.

Awesome show last night with Shitbox Jimmy and Fred and Toody Cole of Dead Moon. Thanks to all who came out.

Since fall is in full force, I thought I’d share an old tune, “Orange Floats,” which is inspired by spiraling leaves and spooky clouds.  Its a free download. Where it says Buy Now, you just write a 0 in the box (or you can write $1000000 :D)

I’m coming for you Wisconsin!

Oh Wisconsin, where no one bats an eye at my thick Midwestern accent, and  beer and cheese are always on the menu.  I’m glad to be coming back.

Oct 24 Milwaukee show IG

Saturday I’ll be making my way to Milwaukee for a show at Circle A Cafe
932 E Chambers St, Milwaukee, Wisconsin  (map)

I’ll be sharing the stage with  New Harmony Indiana, and my pal, Sugar Ransom &thesecretpistols. Here is the event page. 

After Milwaukee I’ll be headed up to Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin for Dark Songs. Me and about 40 other musicians will be making creepy music together and will perform it at a 2 day show at the Third Avenue Playhouse, 239 N 3rd Ave, Sturgeon Bay, WI 54235 (map)

  • Friday October 30th at 7:30pm
  • Saturday October 31st at 10pm immediately following Rocky Horror Picture Show

    here is the event page

Playing with Drinks last night was awesome.  Thanks to everyone who came and thanks to Shale Satans for asking. You’re one of my favorite bands in Cleveland! xoxo

Happy Dog Oct 22 IG


Lætitia Sadier + Uno Lady ~ October 2@ Mahall’s 20 Lanes

Lætitia Sadier has one of my favorite voices of all time, so obviously I am ecstatic to open for her.  She was great in Stereolab and she continues to make awesome music as a solo artist.

I read this interview a while back and was softened by her words,  “I am always trying to hold up a mirror — a loving mirror, not a horrible mirror — to myself and to other people. I just want to make art that can show us how to be a better, much more loving version of ourselves…”

Come to the show Friday, October 2 (doors at 8:30/show @9pm)
@ Mahall’s 20 Lanes   
13200 Madison Ave. Lakewood, OH

$10 advance/$12 at the door

Event page 

Buy tickets 

Listen to her new record 

10_2_2015 Mahalls

NY here I come – Buffalo, Brooklyn, Binghamton!

Goldmines & Uno LadyIn the 8 years I have been doing this, I have never played in New York. That will change next week!

3 days, 3 shows.

  • THUR 9/24 @ Buffalo, NY @ Glitterbox

  • FRI 9/25 Brooklyn, NY @ Tiger Lounge

  • SAT 9/26 Binghamton, NY @Fitzie’s

I’ll be traveling with some of my favorite ladies,  Goldmines


Sept 24@ GlitterBox, Buffalo, NY 
w/ JOHNS, HOT TIP, Goldmines, Uno Lady

buffalo flyer


SEPT 25 @ Tiger Lounge. Williamsburg Brooklyn, NY
w/ Bethlehem Steel (Brooklyn), Goldmines, Uno Lady, Cold Sweats (NY), & Cameron Wisch

NYC tiger lounge


Sept 26 @ Fitzie’s Irish Pub – 9 Main St, Binghamton, New York 13905 (event page)
Crimson Brethren , Cold Sweats, Goldmines (Cleveland, ex-Hotchacha, Shale Satan, & Gap Dream), Uno Lady , $5 suggested donation

Bighamton show

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